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Throughout this year, I will have very high expectations of you, just like you should have very high expectations of me. History will be interesting, challenging, and FUN as long as you create the conditions to allow that to happen. 
Be Prepared!
You will probably (definitely) have some kind of homework, reading, project, assignment, etc. every night. You are expected to come to class with these items completed every, single day.  DON'T BLOW THIS STUFF OFF! Seriously, your grade will suffer, and that's a silly reason to let that happen. Do the work. 
Beyond this, please come to class prepared to work each day with a pencil/pen, a notebook, and a positive attitude. I have very low tolerance for whiners. They take the fun out of everything. 


Work Hard and Challenge Yourself!

Push yourself to your limits. I expect you to take pride in the work you complete in my class, and only hand in the best of the best! 100% effort is 100% expected, and that is how you can guarantee success in social studies. 

Be Respectful!

You will have different opinions than those of your peers, but it is important that everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and drawing conclusions


That's one really amazing thng about social studies. Sometimes there are no clear cut answers. Sure we have the facts, but what do those facts mean? Let's make sure we can have meaningful, productive discussions in this classroom regarding our content. Be respectful. I will not accept anything less. 

Be Responsible!
You are all young adults. In this class, you are expected to act as such! In order to have a productive learning environment, you must be prepared, and take responsibility for your learning. Be accountable!


Please click on the icons above for a link to our class introduction and expectations handout for more specific policies on grading, late work, our course units, and more. 




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